Lawrence Lacrosse Club Philosophy

We are passionate and dedicated to the sport of lacrosse 

Who We Are

The Lawrence Lacrosse Club is a competitive travel youth lacrosse Club, run by volunteers who are passionate and dedicated to the sport of lacrosse. We serve Lawrence Township, NJ and surrounding communities who do not have lacrosse programs. We believe the Club should serve our community by providing access to the sport of lacrosse to as many potential players as possible.


Although we are a competitive Club, we welcome new and inexperienced players. We believe it is never too late to start playing lacrosse and we will support all new players and help them learn the sport of lacrosse.

We will try to keep registration costs to a minimum and provide scholarships to those players in need of financial assistance. The Club has a supply of donated loaner equipment for players to try the sport without having to make a huge financial commitment. The Club also offers low cost skills-based instructional programs in the fall to give new players a chance to learn the game and allow our experienced players to further develop their skills in the off season.

We are not a recreation program, nor are we an regional elite travel program. We travel and play against other competitive clubs and participate in multiple tournaments each season. We believe this competitive environment is the best way to develop lacrosse players.

Our ultimate goal is to have each player in our Club enjoy playing the sport of lacrosse and to prepare them for playing at the high school level

What We Expect From Players

Through the course of the season, we expect all players will regularly attend practice and work hard to improve not only their physical skills, but also their understanding of the game of lacrosse. Most importantly we expect our players to be respectful of their coaches, teammates, referees, and opponents. The players who meet all these expectations will receive significant opportunities to participate in games.

What We Expect From Parents

We expect that parents will be supportive of their child and their team no matter their skill level through the course of the season. Where financially able, in addition to any Club fees, we expect parents to supply their child with the proper equipment. We also expect parents to ensure their child arrives ready to play on time to practices and games and is picked-up on time. Parents should be respectful to coaches, teammates, referees, and opponents.

We also expect parents to encourage their child to be coachable, respectful, a great teammate, mentally tough, resilient, and to try their best. We are aware that players are all at different levels, but feel that if a player is able to demonstrate the qualities listed above, they will reach their potential.

What We Expect From Coaches

We expect our coaches to value all members of their teams and to work hard to develop each player's skill and understanding of the game. To do this, we expect our coaches to have players actively engaged in all practices. Our coaches will diligently balance playing time in games to the best of their ability dependent upon the specific game and situation. Coaches must be respectful to all players, parents, referees, and opponents.

Playing Time Philosophy

Ideally, players on all teams would receive equal playing during all games and tournaments. This is generally not possible for a variety of reasons including the ones below.

Physical Ability

Some players may not be as physically or developmentally ready to play as much as other players their age. There may be particularly physical games and the coach may feel certain players are not ready for that level of physical play and may be at greater risk of injury. Safety is always our priority.

Game Situations

There may not be enough opportunities during the game to change lines frequently. Or, in the fourth quarter of a close game, the coach may decide to give the more skilled players more of the playing time.

Player Situations

A player may have missed some practices where new offensive or defensive plays were taught. Therefore, the coach cannot put the player into a situation for which he/she is not prepared.